Collection: Paintings by Elena Dudina -license type-

Born in Russia, Elena Dudina is the daughter of a fighter pilot. So you can imagine that Elena has traveled a lot in the world. From Estonia to Latvia, from Ukraine to the Arctic to 7 years in Siberia.

She has been living in Madrid (Spain) since 2002, where she is happily married to a Spaniard and is very much in love with both him and this country.

She realized early on that she had been gifted with an artistic gift and began modeling in 2004 before finally discovering Photoshop. Since then, this area has been her passion.

She creates wonderful works of art with Photoshop and is also in great demand as a cover designer in the authoring industry.

Now we can also welcome Elena and her works of art to our Painterbox and are happy to be able to offer some of her pictures here.